European Weed Research Society

8th International Weed Science Congress :
Announcement for subsidy to early career scientists

The EWRS has decided to allocate subsidy to facilitateparticipation of young research fellows in the 8th IWSS Congress takingplace in Bangkok, Thailand in December 5 to 10, 2021. Applicants must comply withthe following conditions:

·      to presentan oral or poster paper at the Symposium,
·      to notexceed 35 years of age at the starting date of the Symposium,
·      to havenot previously received more than 3 subsidy to participate in the EWRS/IWSS Symposia

If you meet these three conditions and are interestedin the possibility of getting a partialsubsidy (maximum 500 Euro) from the EWRS, please send your application no later than 28 February 2021 (absolute deadline) by e-mail to awardcommittee members Prof.Dr. Husrev Mennan ([email protected] ),  Ilias S. Travlos ([email protected]), and Alicia Cirujeda ([email protected]).

Your application must include:
1. A brief Curriculum Vitae;
2. Short motivation letter;
3. A budget (estimation of the costs for travel,registration, and accommodation includingthe costs covered by your home institution);
4. The abstract of your paper (version submitted tothe session organisers after notification of acceptance: see first Symposiumcircular for details on author’s duties and relevant deadlines).

Successful applicants will be warned about theallocation of subsidy by the EWRS Scientific Secretary in due time. The EWRSdoes not provide the subsidy in advance. EWRS Treasurer will be reimbursed tosubsidiaries by bank transfer after their active participation in the Congress.Details on reimbursements and Declaration forms will be provided later on bythe EWRS Treasurer.

Prof. Dr. Hüsrev Mennan
EWRS Scientific Secretary

Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park
Bangkok, Thailand
6th - 11th December 2021
700 tickets
Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park
Bangkok, Thailand
6th - 11th December 2021