After successful abstract submission, all authors are kindly asked to register and pay the congress fee in a timely manner. Authors without registration are not allowed to participate in the congress and their papers will not be published. Each registered author can submit two abstracts.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
28 February 2021
Abstract Preparation and General Instructions:
Please download the abstract template.
Abstract text:
- Written in English.
- Text should not exceed 300 words.
- Build the abstract into a single paragraph, with no indentation and no blank line between paragraphs.
- Figures, graphs, images, tables, diagrams and references should not be included.
Abstracts should clearly state (proportionate):
- Background and objectives: The rationale or hypothesis followed by objectives.
- Methods: Briefly discuss the design of the study/ program and how it was conducted.
- Results: Present the main results/ data analysis and pertinent discussion.
- Conclusions: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.
- Do not use these headings in the text.
Title should be concise and informative.
- Name(s): Please fill in the names of all authors (First and Last names), with the presenting author’s name to be underlined.
- Corresponding author: Must have an (*) following the reference number and an email address.
- Contact details: Department, institution, city, postcode, state if relevant, country, email address must be provided at least for the first author.
Nomenclature and Units:
- Use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.
- All biotica (crops, plants, insects, etc.) should be identified by their scientific names. Use italics for Latin names, do not underline. Use common names for crops. Common names for weeds may be indicated in parenthesis before the first mention of the Latin binomial.
- For pesticides, common name(s) of active ingredient(s) should be used, not the trade names.
- Application of pesticides must be given with full details of techniques used to apply (e.g. type of equipment, type of nozzle, pressure, volume of spray, timing etc.) and of the amount of active ingredient applied per unit area.
Math Formulae:
- Present simple formulae in the line of normal text where possible. In principle, variables are to be presented in italics. Subscripts and superscripts should be clear. Give the meaning of all symbols immediately after the equation in which they are first used.
- Levels of statistical significance which can be mentioned without further explanation are: *P <0.05, **P <0.01 and ***P <0.001Draft Abstracts
The online submission system allows you to make changes to your draft, but only before the submission! Once you have submitted your abstract, if you need to make any additions or amendments, please contact us via email ([email protected]).
Method of Submission:
You must upload the abstract to the system using the model provided in the system.
Abstract Receipt Notification:
Upon receipt of your submission, the system will automatically issue an email confirmation to the contact person. If you do not receive it within 1 hour (kindly check the spam folder as well), please contact us via email ([email protected])
Main Topic Organizer List
Committee Chair
Weed Resistance
Weed Biology and Ecology
Integrated Weed Management
Climate Aspects of Weed Science
Non-Chemical weed Control
Application Technology
Economic and social aspects of weed management
Invasive and Parasitic plant species
Environmental fate of Herbicides
Physiology of plants and herbicide interaction
Weed issues in Asia
Committee Co-Chair
Weed 'Omics'